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Wireless spectrum and the future of technology innovation

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

All technological devices that transmit information wirelessly require spectrum, and there is increasing concern among policymakers and industry leaders about the limited spectrum available for use relative to the explosive growth in demand.

On March 24th, The Hamilton Project hosted a forum and released a new policy proposal addressing the key challenges of regulating wireless spectrum during a time of rapid change and increasing demand. Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Roger Altman opened the forum, and Federal Communications Commission Chairman Thomas Wheeler gave keynote remarks.

The Hamilton Project released a new proposal by authors Pierre de Vries and Phil Weiser for improving the allocation and adjudication of wireless spectrum by redesigning regulations and simplifying the trade of spectrum resources through the use of market forces. The authors were be joined by industry experts for a roundtable discussion on their proposal. Following the roundtable, the participants took audience questions.


1:00 p.m. Welcome and Introduction

Roger Altman
Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Treasury

1:10 p.m. Remarks: The Economic Potential of Wireless Spectrum

Melissa Kearney
Director, The Hamilton Project
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Maryland

1:20 p.m. Roundtable: Unlocking Spectrum Value through Improved Allocation, Assignment and Adjudication of Spectrum Rights

Author: J. Pierre de Vries
Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Spectrum Policy Initiative, Silicon Flatirons Center

Author: Phil Weiser
Dean and Thomson Professor, University of Colorado Law School
Executive Director and Founder, Silicon Flatirons Center

Discussant: Dean Brenner
Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, Qualcomm
@deanrbrenner, @Qualcomm

Discussant: Joan Marsh
Vice President, Federal Regulatory Affairs, AT&T

Discussant: Preston Marshall
Wireless Networking, Google

Facilitator: Blair Levin
Communications & Society Fellow, The Aspen Institute

2:35 p.m. Keynote Remarks

Keynote: Thomas Wheeler
Chairman, Federal Communications Commission

Introduction: Roger Altman
Founder and Executive Chairman, Evercore

3:15 p.m. Forum Adjourns