News and Commentary
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June 28, 2023
Barron's: Patients can’t get some lifesaving drugs. What’s causing the shortages
“The Brookings report, from the think tank’s Hamilton Project, suggests creating incentives to nudge hospitals to buy from more-reliable generic drug manufactu…
June 27, 2023
Washington Post: How troubles at a factory in India led to a U.S. cancer-drug shortage
“A report published Wednesday by the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project argues that the U.S. government must intervene, with legislation and funding, to …
June 27, 2023
CNN: Making contraception free for low-income, uninsured women could prevent many unplanned pregnancies and abortions, new report shows
“On Tuesday, Bailey published a policy proposal that called for changes that would scrap the Title X sliding scale and instead make contraception free for low…
Event recaps
June 22, 2023
Event recap—Addressing urgent challenges for the healthcare supply chain
On June 21, 2023, The Hamilton Project at Brookings hosted a webcast discussion, “Addressing Urgent Challenges for the Healthcare Supply Chain,” about recently…
March 3, 2023
States Newsroom: Child poverty dropped to a record low last year. A new report shows how to keep it the way.
“The expanded child tax credit that families received in 2021 helped reduce child poverty across the country, but particularly in the South where families lack…
March 1, 2023
VOA: SNAP supplement expiration seen leaving many Americans hungry
“’ should not be on the chopping block unless policymakers want to increase child poverty and undernutrition, widen inequality and exacerbate racial disparitie…
February 26, 2023
States Newsroom: Families are taking a hit as pandemic aid ends, inflation continues
“As SNAP’s emergency benefits go away, the effects may eventually show up in Pulse data, said Lauren Bauer, a fellow in economic studies at Brookings Instituti…
February 17, 2023
CNN Health: A year later, formula stock has recovered from the shortage, but parents haven’t
“’It’s terrifying to think that you aren’t going to be able to nourish your infant,’ said Lauren Bauer, a fellow with the Brookings Institute whose research fo…