News and Commentary

The latest news coverage of Hamilton Project work, authors, experts, and Advisory Council members.

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May 23, 2017

Across-the-board spending cuts do not make children or the economy healthier

The difficult realities and constraints facing the U.S. federal budget, coupled with the evident value of investing in children and families, raise a complex q…
February 2, 2015

Investing in America’s working families with affordable child care

James P. Ziliak
Previous Hamilton Project author James Ziliak comments on The President's proposal for a massive investment in our nation’s young children and working fami…
July 11, 2014

Making child care more affordable for working families

James P. Ziliak
James P. Ziliak explores new legislation introduced this week that would dramatically reform government subsidies for child care, and compares it to his recent…
March 26, 2014

A new approach to making work pay

Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray introduced the "21st Century Worker Tax Cut Act" to establish a new deduction for married couples who are both …
Commentary January 16, 2014

Testimony of Melissa S. Kearney

The Hamilton Project Director, Melissa S. Kearney testifies before the Joint Economic Committee on income inequality in the United States.
Commentary July 31, 2013

Testimony of Laura D’Andrea Tyson

Hamilton Project Advisory Council member Laura D'Andrea Tyson testifies before the Joint Economic Committee on corporate tax reform.
Commentary June 25, 2013

Testimony of Michael Greenstone

Michael Greenstone testifies before the Joint Economic Committee about strategies to improve the government’s regulatory system.
Commentary January 26, 2012

Testimony of Alan S. Blinder

Advisory Council member Alan S. Blinder testifies before the Senate Budget Committee on his views on the economy and budget.
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