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Policy Proposals

Coming and going: Encouraging geographic mobility at college entry and exit to lift wages

February 27, 2018


The Problem

Geography is an important part of economic opportunity—but due to monetary and nonmonetary costs of migration, college attendance is less likely for those who live farther from postsecondary institutions. The college educated have also become increasingly concentrated in larger labor markets, while at the same time mobility across markets is falling.

The Proposal

Wozniak proposes two modifications to existing Federal Student Aid programs that would encourage worker mobility. At college entry, she proposes creating large supplements to the Federal Pell Grant Program to help students who do not have access to a local college overcome the high implied costs of relocating for college. She then proposes that college leavers receive extended automatic deferments to Federal Student Loan (FSL) repayment when relocating across markets to start their careers.