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Tax policies to support low-and middle-income Americans

April 13, 2015

The tax system affects all individuals and families in the United States. It is the key source of revenue for government activities, it changes the return to work, and it is increasingly a vehicle for achieving policy goals. As we approach the IRS tax filing deadline of April 15, The Hamilton Project is highlighting several of its recent discussion papers, policy memos, economic facts, and illustrative charts that promote opportunities to strengthen the individual income tax code in order to improve the lives of Americans.

Related Charts

Distribution of Marginal Tax Rates under 2012 Law, by Earnings Relative to the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

This set of economic facts, and corresponding charts, describes key conditions and challenges facing lower-middle-class families. This figure illustrates how marginal tax rates can be extremely high for some low- and middle-income families as their earnings move them into the range of income where transfer programs are phased out and positive marginal tax rates kick in.

Income Distributions for Working-Age Families with Children Uner 18 Before and After Taxes

This figure illustrates how the tax and transfer system changes the distribution of income for working-age families with children.

Percent of Secondary-Earner Earnings that Families “Take Home” after Accounting for taxes, SNAP Benefits, and Child-Care Costs

This figure examines how the current tax system hampers low- and middle-income families with two working spouses.


Media Inquiries

Marie Wilken
Phone: (202) 540-7738
[email protected]