
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals May 22, 2024

Governing the grid for the future: The case for a Federal Grid Planning Authority

Shelley Welton urges a greater federal role in grid governance to create a resilient electricity grid for the clean energy transition and tackle the grid’s int…
Posts May 16, 2024

Why did schools lose students after COVID-19?

This analysis explores factors behind families' decision to homeschool after the pandemic, given that public school enrollment losses are not fully explained b…
Posts May 13, 2024

Event recap—Taking on tax: A conversation with National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard

The Hamilton Project at Brookings hosted an event with National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard to discuss the Biden administration’s priorities for future tax …
Posts April 23, 2024

The changing demographics of business ownership

Gaps in business ownership have shrunk with a rise in Black and Hispanic entrepreneurship in recent years.
Posts April 22, 2024

Event recap—Securing the safety net for working-age adults

On April 17, The Hamilton Project hosted a webcast to discuss the safety net for non-elderly adults who do not have dependent children and do not receive disab…
Papers April 17, 2024

The safety net should work for working-age adults

Able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) receive minimal support from traditional safety net programs. Many struggle to work because of health conditions…
Papers April 17, 2024

The austere US safety net for poor, non-elderly adults who are not raising children and do not receive disability benefits

The safety net remains starkly inadequate for non-elderly childless adults without disability benefits, leading to higher rates of deep poverty, homelessness, …
Papers April 17, 2024

Poverty and poverty reduction among non-elderly, nondisabled, childless adults in affluent countries: The United States in cross-national perspective

Social policy in the United States leaves too many of its citizens exposed to financial hardship and poverty, in large part due to major gaps in coverage. In c…
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