
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals March 27, 2017

Protecting urban places and populations from rising climate risk

This paper proposes three complementary policies for enhancing urban resilience to new climate risk. The first focuses on improving key urban infrastructure. T…
Posts March 24, 2017

The economic and policy context for greenhouse gas emissions

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions—and primarily CO2 emissions—have meaningfully contributed to the warming the globe has experienced so far, and are expected to c…
Posts December 8, 2016

Aligning federal coal leasing and US climate policy

In a new paper from The Hamilton Project and the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, Professors Kenneth T. Gillingham (of Yale) and James H. …
Policy Proposals December 8, 2016

Federal minerals leasing reform and climate policy

Over the past two decades Democratic and Republican administrations have taken steps to reduce U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions by reducing use of fossil fuels. D…
Posts November 7, 2014

Differences in water use across counties in the United States

Using newly released data, The Hamilton Project presents an economic analysis and a new interactive feature to illustrate the great variation in the level and …
Posts October 16, 2014

America’s fragmented water systems

In the blog post, The Hamilton Project explores the regulatory challenges of America's fragmented water systems and highlight eye-opening information from …
Policy Proposals October 14, 2014

Shopping for water: How the market can mitigate water shortages in the American West

In the face of a severe drought in the West, new approaches are required to mitigate the risk of water shortages. In this Hamilton Project paper, Peter Culp, R…
Posts September 23, 2014

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew details economic costs of climate change at Hamilton Project forum

"As an economic matter, the cost of inaction or delay is far greater than the cost of action" on climate change, said U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew in a…
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