
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Papers April 12, 2021

A comparison of renters and homeowners in recent decades

Wendy Edelberg, Sara Estep, Stephanie Lu, and Emily Moss examine and offer new insights on the recent history of housing policy from the latter half of the 20t…
Posts February 3, 2021

A macroeconomic analysis of a Senate Republican COVID relief package

Ten Senate Republicans recently proposed a $618-billion COVID relief package. In this piece, we provide an analysis of that package and update our analysis of …
Posts December 16, 2020

The Hamilton Project: 2020 in figures

Alexandra Contreras, Elizabeth Lee, and Stephanie Lu present a month-by-month journey in figures through The Hamilton Project’s research, analysis, and policy …
Posts December 8, 2020

The Black-white wealth gap left Black households more vulnerable

This analysis finds that the Black-white wealth gap persisted heading into the pandemic, leaving Black households with fewer resources to weather the storm.
Posts November 23, 2020

Hungry at Thanksgiving: A Fall 2020 update on food insecurity in the US

Lauren Bauer provides evidence of an ongoing food insecurity crisis in the United States and current evidence on household food insecurity and very low food in…
Posts September 9, 2020

Five figures highlighting the economic impact of COVID-19

This blog post features five figures from recent Hamilton Project essays and analyses that illustrate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need…
Posts August 13, 2020

The COVID-19 public health and economic crises leave vulnerable populations exposed

Jevay Grooms, Alberto Ortega, and Joaquín Rubalcaba present new survey data revealing disparities in outcomes related to the COVID-19 pandemic across race/ethn…
Papers August 13, 2020

Racial economic inequality amid the COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a disproportionate toll on Black Americans—yet these unequal outcomes are not novel challenges. Bradley Hardy and Trevon Logan …
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