The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.
Higher new Census population estimates will affect the employment report
Labor force and employment numbers will be affected by new Census population revisions that account for immigration.
Employment & Wages
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Policy Proposals
December 1, 2008
A US innovation strategy for climate change mitigation
Two market problems in addressing climate change are lack of private incentive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and underinvestment by industry in R&D. This …
Policy Proposals
July 1, 2008
Pay-as-you-drive auto insurance: A simple way to reduce driving-related harms and increase equity
This paper argues that the current lump-sum pricing of auto insurance is inefficient and inequitable. It proposes and evaluates a simple alternative: pay-as-yo…
Policy Proposals
October 30, 2007
An equitable tax reform to address global climate change
This paper describes a carbon tax swap that is revenue and distributionally neutral. The tax swap levies a tax on greenhouse gas emissions with revenue being u…
Policy Proposals
October 30, 2007
A US cap-and-trade system to address global climate change
This paper lays out the arguments for using cap-and-trade to address climate change and proposes a system that includes an upstream cap on CO2, a gradual downw…
October 1, 2007
An economic strategy to address climate change and promote energy security
This paper presents a strategy for addressing climate change and promoting energy security that includes pricing carbon and oil, investing in basic research on…