
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals October 13, 2010

The mobility bank: Increasing residential mobility to boost economic mobility

This paper proposes the creation of a “mobility bank” at a government cost of less than $1 billion per year to help finance the residential moves of U.S. worke…
Papers October 13, 2010

An economic strategy to renew American communities

When hit by recessions or other economic shocks, some communities have persistently low rates of economic growth that cause them to fall behind the rest of the…
Papers April 2, 2010

From recession to recovery to renewal: An economic strategy to achieve broadly shared growth

This paper argues that we must confront the challenges that pose a greater risk to our long-run prosperity than the Great Recession. America’s future growth re…
Policy Proposals December 8, 2008

Improving the measurement of poverty

The Hamilton Project held a policy forum and released a discussion paper by Rebecca Blank and Mark Greenberg on the need for a new national poverty measure tha…
Papers September 5, 2008

Path to prosperity

Today, too many Americans are not fully sharing in our nation’s prosperity. This paper outlines the ways in which promoting economic growth, broad-based partic…
Posts June 5, 2008

Missing markets: Why markets that can reduce risks are missing and what can be done about it

Jason Furman discusses the issue of missing markets for both societal and individual risk, highlighting reasons for the absence of these markets and proposing …
Papers January 10, 2008

If, when, how: A primer on fiscal stimulus

The livelihoods and living standards of many Americans are at stake in any discussion about stimulus. This paper considers several key questions on stimulus an…
Papers December 1, 2007

A hand up: A strategy to reward work, expand opportunity, and reduce poverty

This paper offers a strategy to reduce poverty and strengthen growth across the income spectrum by helping people find jobs, investing in human capital, and cr…
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