
Louis S. Jacobson

President, New Horizons Economic Research

As of latest THP publication:

Louis S. Jacobson is the president of New Horizons Economic Research. He has conducted basic research on the cost of job loss and the means to offset those losses through services provided by One-Stop Career Centers and community colleges. Jacobson recently examined how community colleges and One-Stops can work together to help workers develop career- enhancing skills, and analyzed the returns to community college training using a large Florida data base for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trust, and the National Assessment of Career and Technical Education. He is currently extending this work to examine how workforce system services affect those returns as well as the returns to short-term training provided by for-profit training providers. He also is evaluating a statewide Florida program to increase the college readiness of high school students.

While at Westat, Jacobson was the principal investigator of a six-state evaluation of the effectiveness of public labor exchanges in a One-Stop environment and the long-term follow-up of the National JTPA Evaluation. While at the Upjohn Institute, he authored major studies of the cost of worker dislocation and observed first-hand the effectiveness of government and private activities designed to deal with loss of long-held industrial jobs. Jacobson served on the Montgomery County (Maryland) Workforce Investment Board, chairing the assessment committee. Jacobson holds a Ph.D. in economics from Northwestern University and a B.S. in economics from MIT.