
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals April 26, 2017

Improving College and Career Outcomes of Low-Performing High School Students

In this proposal, the author shows that many students who perform at or below average in high school are not prepared for college and do not attain postseconda…
Policy Proposals April 26, 2017

A Risk Sharing Proposal for Student Loans

In this paper, the authors propose a risk-sharing system for the student loan program. Institutions with low repayment rates, as measured by a new cohort-based…
Economic Facts April 26, 2017

Eight Economic Facts on Higher Education

In this set of eight facts, the Hamilton Project offers evidence of the economic value of a postsecondary education. These facts document who is enrolling in a…
Policy Proposals April 26, 2017

Understanding and Addressing Teacher Shortages in the United States

While there is a popular perception of a national teacher shortage, the authors demonstrate that teacher shortages are in fact localized and subject-specific. …
Policy Proposals April 26, 2017

Labor Force to Lecture Hall: Pell Grants and Postsecondary Policies in Response to Job Loss

Currently, Pell Grants are designed to meet the needs of recent high school graduates. In this proposal, Turner explores the possibility of better tailoring Pe…
Policy Proposals April 26, 2017

Increasing College Completion with a Federal Higher Education Matching Grant

The federal government largely invests in higher education through aid to students that aims to lower the effective price of college. However, Deming finds tha…
Policy Proposals October 28, 2016

Lessons for Broadening School Accountability under the Every Student Succeeds Act

In this strategy paper, The Hamilton Project highlights rates of chronic absenteeism in elementary, middle and high schools throughout the United States. The i…
Economic Facts October 4, 2016

Seven Facts on Noncognitive Skills from Education to the Labor Market

In the past 30 years, the U.S. labor market has shifted dramatically toward increasing demand and reward for noncognitive skills. These noncognitive skills – e…
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