
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Posts June 4, 2010

Evidence from May’s employment numbers on the benefits of education

May employment numbers, released by the Labor Department today, demonstrate continued momentum behind our nation’s economic recovery. With 431,000 new jobs, bu…
Posts May 7, 2010

Exploring the “job gap” in April’s employment numbers

Today’s employment numbers reinforce the signs of economic recovery. In April, the economy created 290,000 jobs. This is the first time since the beginning of …
Papers April 2, 2010

From recession to recovery to renewal: An economic strategy to achieve broadly shared growth

This paper argues that we must confront the challenges that pose a greater risk to our long-run prosperity than the Great Recession. America’s future growth re…
Policy Proposals April 1, 2010

The polarization of job opportunities in the US labor market: Implications for employment and earnings

This paper analyzes the U.S. labor market over the past three decades and finds employment polarization on the rise as job opportunities decline in middle-skil…
Policy Books June 9, 2009

Implementing comparative effectiveness research: Priorities, methods, and impact

Comparative effectiveness research must assess a comprehensive array of health-related outcomes for diverse patient groups. This paper explores a variety of is…
Policy Proposals April 1, 2009

Strengthening One-Stop Career Centers: Helping more unemployed workers find jobs and build skills

This paper explores the role that One-Stop Career Centers play in helping the unemployed build new skills and find new jobs, and proposes new measures to expan…
Policy Proposals December 8, 2008

Improving the measurement of poverty

The Hamilton Project held a policy forum and released a discussion paper by Rebecca Blank and Mark Greenberg on the need for a new national poverty measure tha…
Policy Proposals December 1, 2008

From prison to work: A proposal for a national prisoner reentry program

This paper proposes a national prisoner reentry program whose core element is up to a year of transitional employment available to all parolees in need of work.
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