
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals June 1, 2008

Increasing annuitization of 401(k) plans with automatic trial income

This paper proposes a policy that would increase the role of lifetime income products in future retirees’ overall retirement planning.
Policy Proposals June 1, 2008

Financing losses from catastrophic risks

Catastrophe insurance helps spread risks and increases the ability of policyholders and the economy to recover from both natural disasters and terrorist attack…
Papers February 29, 2008

Weighing alternative policies for tackling the mortgage mess

Without government action, mortgage foreclosures will rise steeply for the next several years, argues Doug Elmendorf. He analyzes the wide range of proposals f…
Papers January 10, 2008

If, when, how: A primer on fiscal stimulus

The livelihoods and living standards of many Americans are at stake in any discussion about stimulus. This paper considers several key questions on stimulus an…
Papers December 1, 2007

A hand up: A strategy to reward work, expand opportunity, and reduce poverty

This paper offers a strategy to reduce poverty and strengthen growth across the income spectrum by helping people find jobs, investing in human capital, and cr…
Policy Proposals December 1, 2007

New Hope: Fulfilling America’s promise to “make work pay”

The New Hope program was designed to assist workers by providing work supports including access to quality child care and health insurance. This paper evaluate…
Policy Proposals December 1, 2007

Employment-based tax credits for low-skilled workers

This paper proposes increasing the return to work for low-income families through the expansion the earned income tax credit for low-income childless taxpayers…
Policy Proposals December 1, 2007

Better workers for better jobs: Improving worker advancement in the low-wage labor market

This paper proposes a new federal funding stream to identify, expand, and replicate the most successful state and local initiatives designed to spur the advanc…
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