
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Papers August 19, 2016

The Long-Term Impact of the Head Start Program

In this Economic Analysis, The Hamilton Project explores the impact of Head Start on a new set of long-term outcomes, extending landmark analyses further into …
Policy Proposals March 28, 2016

Improving Academic Outcomes for Disadvantaged Students: Scaling Up Individualized Tutorials

Improving the educational outcomes of economically disadvantaged children is a policy priority in the United States, and yet relatively little progress has bee…
Policy Proposals March 28, 2016

Learning What Works in Educational Technology with a Case Study of EDUSTAR

Innovations in technology hold great promise for application in education, and yet new educational technologies have yet to fundamentally advance student outco…
Policy Proposals March 28, 2016

Increasing Targeting, Flexibility, and Transparency in Title I of the ESEA

Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act distributes over $14 billion in federal funds to school districts to help disadvantaged students. Over it…
Economic Facts March 24, 2016

Fourteen Economic Facts on Education and Economic Opportunity

There are many factors at work in determining educational outcomes; some of these are more easily addressed by policy reforms than others, and not all can be a…
Papers March 17, 2016

Who Has Access to Charter Schools?

Allowing charter schools to operate is a policy lever that can encourage innovation and improvement in the education sector through competition. Yet, for chart…
Papers March 30, 2015

Does Increasing Education Also Increase Earnings?

Scholars and public commentators have recently debated the impact of education on earnings and earnings inequality. Some have argued that improving education i…
Papers March 30, 2015

Does Increasing Education Also Increase Earnings?

Mainstream labor economists as well as several public commentators have argued that trends in the economy over recent decades—including technological dev…
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